
  1. Add the 1. Lit Mags & Contests where you would like to submit.
  2. Add 2. My Writing with all of the work you plan to submit.
  3. Add your submissions (below).
  4. Repeat! 😉

Journals and Writing

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How to Get Started

  1. Start with Lit Mags and Contests: Enter all the journals, magazines, or contests where you’ve submitted on wish to submit.
  2. Add Your Writing: Once you’ve got the lit mags and contests entered, add your written pieces.
  3. Link Everything in the Submissions Tracker: Finally, in the Submissions Tracker, link each submission to the appropriate writing piece and lit mag/contest. This will allow you to track which pieces went where, and the status of each submission. You’ll have all the data in one place, accessible from any angle. </aside>

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3. Submissions Database

Your central hub for managing submissions and linking your writing and literary magazines while helping you stay on top of deadlines and responses.

How to Use:

  1. Click “New” [blue button, appears when you hover over it] in the Submissions Database (below) to create a new submission entry for each submission you send out. Name your submission something like, “Journal Name, Spring 2024” instead of “Journal Name” so you can make each submission distinct as you may resubmit to the same journal.
    1. Each entry connects to the 1. Lit Mags & Contests and 2. My Writing databases to track what you submit and where each submission goes.
  2. Submission Name: Give each submission a unique name. (“Room Ghosts issue” or “Contest Name: 2024“)
  3. Deadline to Submit: Record the submission deadline.
  4. Date Submitted: Once you submit the piece, log the date here for future reference.
  5. Status: Keep an overview of the progress of each submission (Plan to submit, Submitted, Queried, Accepted, Rejected)
  6. Response Date: Note whenever you get an answer back from the lit mag. (That way you can start tracking actual response times!)
  7. Lit Mag/Contest: Select one journal or contest from the 1. Lit Mags & Contests database. This links the submission to the publication you're sending the work to, pulling relevant details about the magazine.
  8. Writing Submitted: Select your piece(s) of writing from the 2. My Writing database. This connects each submission to its corresponding creative work, ensuring you can easily track where each piece has been submitted.
  9. Use the different views in the database to see different slices of information. (View all submissions, submissions rejected with feedback, etc.)

Please feel free to customize and add your own fields!


My Submissions

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Tip: Add Your Submissions from Submittable

If you’d like to put all of your current or past submissions into this tracker, you can export the information from Submittable to more easily transfer it here. Here is how to export a spreadsheet of your submissions from Submittable:

  1. Log in to Submittable: Go to your Submittable account and log in.
  2. Go to Your Dashboard: Click on the "Submissions" tab or navigate to the specific submission form you want to export data from.
  3. Select Submissions: Use filters if needed to narrow down the submissions you want to export. You can select individual submissions or all submissions at once.
  4. Export Data: Look for an "Export" option, usually represented by a download icon or the word "Export" in the interface. Click on it.
  5. Choose Format: You may be prompted to select a format (like CSV or Excel). Choose CSV.
  6. Download the File: Once you initiate the export, a file will be generated for download. Save it to your computer.
  7. Open the File: You can now open the file in Excel, Google Sheets, OR Import it to Notion then transfer the information into your Submissions Tracker.

If you encounter any issues or if the interface has changed, you can also check Submittable’s help section for the most current instructions.


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